Monday, September 27, 2004

you just can't escape.

my life is like watching a train wreck - only i'm on it.

i miss the 80s. those were the days... days when i wore pants so tapered, they could be mistaken as french cuffed. you say fashion, i say faux pas. a few years and it'll all be relative. and none of it will matter.

lately, i've been getting high on pot every night before i sleep. the "pot" being my belly. and "getting high" meaning my rolling over onto it whilst in bed. you know it's sad when you have to lie in a hammock to comfortably sleep on your belly.

i worry that come november, we'll be having 4 more years. i see kerry trying, but it just ain't cutting it. he might have my vote, but he doesn't have me convinced - i'm only voting because he's not bush.

seems like everyone i'm talking to is voting for bush - conservatives, of course. i don't get it. i'm all for conservative values, but how can you justify the escalation of violence? he may be pro-life, but he sure isn't anti-violence. i don't care if he leads this administration with prayer, i can't take this senseless violence anymore. haven't read the good book in a while, but i don't recall preemption being a "christian" value. whatever happened to turning the other cheek? sure it might seem weak, but don't the meek inherit the earth?

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