i'm doing great! i'm doing. great.
punctuation. what a world of difference it makes. silly squiggles, dots, and lines - changing the meaning of the world one. word. at. a. time. i have a fascination with the mundane. things so insignificant, yet potently effective. you never think to pay attention. until you do; then it's profound. once upon a time i was a linguist. once. syntax and semantics. it all amuses me. ha, ha. ha!
when it rains, it pours.
finally got back to my workout routine this week after a brief hiatus. brief being around sixty days. sixty.
been going to the gym at 6am everyday this week, except today. i was too damn tired to get out of my bed at 5:20. out of shape? hardly. it's more like shapeless. i bask in my blissfully soft rotundity. being happy makes you soft. literally. i rub my belly for good luck.
i'm on a new fix for discipline. i should've punished myself today for skippin out, but the boiling hot thermal controller i use in lab got around to doing it first. note to self: touching a metal plate that is at 95 degrees centigrade causes tremendous amounts of pain. tremendous.
my pinky felt like someone slammed it in a storm door. i would've screamed explicatives had the pain not consumed me. you wouldn't believe that a two inch by two inch piece of metal could cause so much pain. immense pain that makes you want to kick in the heads of little kids. why? because misery loves company. luckily, there weren't any kids nearby. some of my friends have kids. i'm glad i don't have kids. i would've kicked them in the head for laughing when daddy cried. might as well marry a social worker.
started writing. need to keep writing. maybe i'll start bloging more frequently. i'm fumbling with words that bumble.